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John Edward Binks


John Edward (Eddie) Binks

1887- 1963

Ivy Binks father was John Edward Binks.  She married Kenneth Charles Warburton Shawcross and had three children; John, Linda and Charles. Charles Shawcross researched J. E. Binks life and wrote a short biography.

After Charles had written the draft biography he circulated it among siblings and cousins and requested input.  Responses were then reflected in revised drafts and a number of photos were provided and were added to the biography.  This in turn led to more memories and redrafts.  As of May 24, 2013 the biography is substantially complete although, as Charles says, he is more than willing to add additional information later provided by any  distant relatives who wish to contribute.

I have also appended  photos and related documents to this page.


One of the remaining mysteries to the life of John Edward Binks is what happened to his family after he moved to live with his paternal aunt after his father George Binks died when John Edward was six years old.  In the hopes that the information below may be picked up by George Binks descendents, we have created this link below with a request that they help us fill in details of this time if by chance they stumble across this web site.


John Shawcross

May 24, 2013

©2020 CES & JFS

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